Features About the Artist:

Anamnesis show in Creative Loafing Interview for S.L.A.M. Magazine

List of Published Articles:

A Less Objective Truth: A Look at Early War Photography - An examination of early photojournalism and changing standards for the representation of factual events. Back It Up! - The ins and outs of data preservation in the digital age. Better Black and White: A How-to Guide - Using Photoshop and Lightroom to get the best from your images. Changing Times - More newspapers are ditching dedicated photo staff for freelancers, but not without consequence. Considering Magnum - The legacy of the Magnum cooperative as both an organization and a brand in light of global changes in the photo industry. Digital Empires - An overview of advances in digital imaging technologies. Gray Areas - Art made on the edges of what is normally considered Street Photography. In Review: Everybody Street - Film review. Minimalism - An overview of minimalist photography and modern misconceptions. On the Ethics of Photography - An in-depth examination on the ethics of street photography and photojournalism. Shooting From The Hip - A look at the debate over how photographers should engage their subjects while shooting in the street. The Best Photo Sharing Sites That You Probably Aren’t Using - An overlook of various websites. The Curious Case of Kevin Carter - The life, times, and tragic death of the famous photographer. The Death and Rebirth of Film - How film is making a comeback among contemporary artists. The New Media - Dealing with ownership and theft concerns when using digital publication. The New Old School - An examination of two opposite trends: slimmer and sleeker vs. large format. The Voyeuristic Lens - When art rides the line between public photography and the voyeuristic. Urban Exploring - Photographing the abandoned and the forbidden in urban areas. Wayne F. Miller: A Retrospective - Remembering Wayne F. Miller.